Finding Grace: the meanest part of empathy
Grace is not a long pause or benefit of the doubt so much as earnest curiosity about the other—in empathy, we must believe there is something worth being curious about in the other.
Please, Just Let Me Get Back to Work (AKA The woes of over-collaboration)
Today, I am thinking a lot about collaborative overload. The concept, which is boiled down in layman’s terms in the HBR, basically says that in an effort to be inclusive and collaborative, some organizations have gotten too collaborative.
Empathy Is Not a Soft Skill
Although empathy may conjure images of kinder, gentler leaders, eager listeners, and compassionate providers, the truth is there is a whole segment of our society effectively using empathy who are not kinder or gentler, but are worth examining.
How to Survive Thanksgiving
We’d rather talk to strangers about politics, gender, sexual orientation, abortion—fill in the blank with whatever the thing is your cousin/grandma/auntie will not budge on, and is going to throw you out of the house about if you bring it up at Thanksgiving.